The MAKE U IN project, which officially commenced in late 2024, is a pioneering initiative aimed at empowering primary school teachers, trainers, and educators to…
The Make U In project is an Erasmus+ Small-scale partnerships in school education (KA210-SCH). The project objective is to strengthen the role of primary school teachers in designing inclusive educational environments, exploiting the potential of Maker initiatives.
The project wants:
Here you can find the project activities, information and events. You can be updated about the project progressions and availability of its results.
The MAKE U IN project, which officially commenced in late 2024, is a pioneering initiative aimed at empowering primary school teachers, trainers, and educators to…
The main TARGET GROUP of the project is represented by primary school teachers and educators .
In particular, the project is addressed to primary school teachers with a basic literacy in Maker Initiatives who seek to
explore their inclusive potential.
It is a comprehensive online collection of pedagogical approaches, materials and
examples for teachers and educators for leveraging maker-based activities for inclusive education.
They are face-to-face events to promote project results and raise awareness of maker-based activities' inclusive potential, creating Ambassadors to act as multipliers in schools.
They are interactive face-to-face training sessions designed to help teachers enhance their competencies in implementing maker-based activities for inclusion.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Nationalen Agentur im Pädagogischen Austauschdienst. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Project n. KA210-BY-24- 12-247490
Make U In © 2023